I spent most of day one (Saturday) studying google and youtube for tutorials on how to navigate my way around Cinema 4D. I learned a lot about modelling and stopped there. Next I'll learn texturing and lighting. After spending the day studying I walked away with this.
It's nothing to shout about, but it was encouraging to see this after one day of effort.
I spent most of day two (Sunday) out, but when I came home I wanted to get my head straight into Cinema 4D and see if I could create a model from scratch. I had an image in my mind that I wanted to create and this is the outcome. The model looks very similar to how I hoped it would end up. But the textures were nothing like what I hoped for. So, I really need to learn that next. I also had a few dodgy polygons that are hidden by the lighting. Overall I'm pretty impressed with how intuitive this software is and what it allowed me to achieve in two days. Back to work this week, then hopefully get some more time 3D time next weekend :)
Please find my main portfolio at www.leontyler.com