13 Feb 2012


Yesterday I hooked up with the dopiest musicians this side of Compton. RUN DMC *ahem* I mean, RUN CMD!! We were on location working on their music video 'My Adidas Are Fucked'. I took my camera with me, as any good creative warlord should, and took some photographs for them to use as promotional material. When I started editing my goal was to give our dreary, cold, grey location a touch of 80's/90's hip hop nostalgia. Those guys were really pleased with the photos, which makes it all worthwhile :) 

It's not often I get to push my passion for hip hop culture. So, this was amazing fun and I would love to work on this kinda stuff again. Here's a few images from the shoot.. Enjoy..


DelriiumDog said...

Now THAT's a boombox! (I don't think you meant to type RUN DMC in the second sentence unless you're doing some clever SEO.)

VectorThirtyThree: Digital Manuvaz & Pixel Flexez said...

Haha, you're right. I didn't. I'm not that smart :P